November 28, 2006

sexy, u say...

Angel Needing Touches and Hot, Erotic Affection

Get Your Sexy Name

i dun think wanting erotic affection is angelic...haha.

try it out and see what sexy wonders ur name entails.

November 11, 2006

one on one

it has been two months of endless chatter, endless discussions, endless nights of enjoying each other's company.

time whizes by when the world revolves around just u and me.

cliche as it sounds nothing really does matter when u've found that someone. (but of course passing and getting a degree is first priority :p)

till the next talks!

November 10, 2006

cross my palm with silver

ever wondered how crystal balls could read ur mind or foretell ur future??
well...i have no freaking idea! go to this site:

the crystal ball can really read ur mind via cyberspace! enjoy some virtual psychic reading.


till the next week and counting down.

November 07, 2006

say cheese!!

a moment caught in time
a memory captured forever by the lens of a small modern gadget
my metallic red sony ericsson k610i